Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Missing the Point

NY couple tries to trademark "Occupy Wall St."



  1. After reading the article, although I believe that Mr. Maresca's heart is in the right place, I think that his idea is in complete opposition with what the people involved with OWS are trying to accomplish. The group OWS is trying to bring to light the problamatic state that the American capitilist sytems finds itself in ,and the consequences that the American public is suffering. To try and market the name of the movement wether he plans on profiting from the name or not gives the wrong message. Instead of spending money on the trade mark expenses perhpas Mr. Maresca would be better served by taking that money, buying a ticket to New York, and joing the movement.If that is not a possibility then perhpas Mr. Mareesca could take the money and donate the money directly to OWS. Finally if neither of those options appeal to Mr. Maresca he could take the money and use it to start a movement of his own. However, the worst thing, and farthest from the spirit of OWS, that Mr. Maresca could do is by the trade mark.

  2. This article really reminded me of the legal struggles that followed Jack Kerouac's death. His writing has the same anti-capitalist theme as the whole OWS thing. In Dharma Bums, he expresses real contempt for those who get caught up in the cycle of earning and possessing. When he died, he willed his estate to his mother. When she died her will seemed to give everything to Kerouac's wife, Stella Sampas. The Sampas family has proceeded to sell the rights of many of the intellectual properties for cash. The will was recently ruled to be a forgery, but the family still controls all the rights to his work thanks to some weird Florida legal maneuvering. In short, his works about the importance of personal experience and realization instead of monetary gain have sparked a huge squabble over who deserves to profit from them. It seems like a pretty good parallel to the OWS t shirt guy.
    -John Griffoul (B)

  3. In my opinion, yes Maresca is misguided but he's not doing anything that our society hasn't instilled in him the capacity to do. Like any movement with good intention, the idea must take hold gradually over time, it doesn't happen instantaneously. It's funny that his actions stand in direct contradiction to the ideals of the OWS movement but I compare it rather loosely to some person trying to own a slave during the Civil War versus that same person attempting to own a slave well after the abolition of slavery. -Obi
