Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"It's impossible to fall off mountains you fool"

In Trey's presentation on The Dharma Bums, he discussed the idea of the Silent Hand-- that if you let go, the earth will take care of you, and that we must have faith that things will work out. I found this idea especially comforting while reading Dharma Bums, and although I cannot say I've adopted such a lifestyle, I think that many of the teachings of the Dharma can still relate to my life. We can all develop our own meaningful paths and include the acts of compassion and charity in our lives without leaving behind our possessions or accepting a life of solitude. Frankly, those two ideas frighten me, especially the loneliness. I know that, for me personally, the company of family and friends foster many of the teachings of the Dharma, like compassion and charity. It's just a comforting feeling, knowing that if you lead a meaningful life and appreciate all of the beauty that surrounds you, you'll be taken care of. Like Ray realizes as Japhy comes running down Matterhorn, "It's impossible to fall of a mountain."

1 comment:

  1. Michael -

    It's always encouraging to know that someone out there was listening and able to take something away from my ramblings last week. I'd like to see you unpack that notion of falling off the mountain in relation to your own ideas of living the Dharma a bit more explicitly, but I know where you're going.

